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xenon lights, xenon bulbs and xenon headlights
Most of the worlds high performance and luxury cars are fitted with xenon headlights. Xenon lights and xenon bulbs give more than twice the amount of light compared to halogen bulbs while consuming less power. More light means better safety and security on our roads.
Xenon lights are clear white and enable drivers to concentrate better. Xenon headlights reflect the road markings and signs better and due to the lower power consumption, Xenon bulbs save energy and are more environmentally friendly than halogen bulbs. The life span of a Xenon light equals that of the car, which means that xenon bulbs will not wear out under normal usage.
Autostylin xenon bulbs are among the most blue on the market compared to our competitors xenon headlights.
Please note that xenon lights should only be fitted by a professional car dealer. To comply with European legal requirements xenon headlights can only be fitted to your car in combination with an automatic leveling device and a headlamp windshield clearing system.
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